Eight Videos of lectures, plays and presentations from the Kaspar Hauser Festival in November 2024 on the East Coast of North America.

The festival was hosted by the Kaspar Hauser Research Circle of the Karl König Institute and the Camphill communities of Columbia County NY.

These lectures and presentations from the Festival are available for viewing (after registering):

  1. Introduction to the Festival - Richard Steel
  2. 'Kaspar Hauser's deed for Humanity' - Lecture by Eckart Böhmer
  3. 'Kaspar Hauser - A Window into the Enigma of his Life' - Puppet play by Nadja Jiquet and Camphill Academy, story by Stephen Steen
  4. 'Kaspar Hauser, Guardian of the Furure Human Developement' - Lecture by Eckart Böhmer
  5. 'Kaspar Hauser, in Forgiveness Is Our Hope' - Lecture by Carrie Schuchardt
  6. Dedication of the Kaspar Hauser Memorial Sculpture (images without audio)
  7. 'Kaspar Hauser, Rider of the Future'- Play by Richard Steel; Production Stephen Steen
  8. 'Blessed Are the Helpless for They Shall Bring Hope' - Lecture by Richard Steel

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